3. Animated
~9 pages
~The Third Movement of Ravel's Sonatine begins in 3 sharps -
in the second to last page it lapses shortly into no sharps and
flats - and the Grand Finale is in 6 sharps.
~The dynamics range from pp to fff.
~Some of the features in the The Third Movement are:
o predominant use of sixteenth notes
o accent marks to indicate the melody line
o a brief reminder by the composer of the first movement
o a fascinating touch at the very end - tie marks leading to nowhere
The first movement is most easily playable for me.
The second movement - beautiful.
But it is in the third movement where Ravel steps up and says:
I composed this really great Sonatine.
and what are ya gonna do about it anyway?
I will be back with the Scriabin when I figure out what it is.
Thanks Mike.
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